The Silent Voyage

He swiftly entered back into the room, and started plotting a tree on the whiteboard. It was a big tree compared to what everybody was used to, but it was the right thing at the right time. Jun-11-2024 15:01:31
So he thought, the hell with that other tree, I can leave it to die, I have this new tree with its awesome perspective now. It’ll do just fine instead of that leaf dropping useless tree I once had. Jun-11-2024 14:58:43
With this observation, he rushed back inside, and as he stopped in front of the hallway mirror, the the same view caught his eye. He couldn’t deny how different it looked from a different perspective. Jun-11-2024 14:55:37
He knew that it was his own fault. What with him not watering it and all. But it was too late, for either irrigation or regret. He figured that at some point nature will restore itself. Jun-11-2024 14:44:47
Shhh… he shushed. Hush… he hushed. The meeting was a mess. He chose to go outside and have a smoke. The big old tree just stood there, and leafs were faliling. Oh no, he thought. Jun-11-2024 14:42:11


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